Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Human Resource Management and Conflict Resolution

Schumann, P. L. (2011). A moral principles framework for human resource management ethics. Human Resource Management Review, 11(1–2), 93–111Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Human Resource Management and Conflict Resolution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Summary In this article, Schumann (2011) argues that analyzing ethical issues in HRM is a legitimate and important tool for increasing the capacity to understand humans in an organization. It is also important in solving any conflict arising between individuals at the workplace. According to the author, the theory of ethical relativism should not be used in searching and developing moral principles, especially when managing human-human relationships in an organization. The article presents a comprehensive framework that managers should use to make judgements about HRM ethics, with a clear consideration of human behaviour. In particular, the artic le emphasizes on the 20th century ethical theories such as utilitarian, rights, and care and virtue ethics. Using these theories, the author attempts to describe HRM strategies as some of the most important tools for managing conflicts in an industrial setting, suggesting that this tool provides organization leaders with an effective way of solving organizational conflicts. Critique Within the scope of the study, the author has chosen an important and debatable topic because human resource management is one of the most important issues affecting all institutions in the modern world. In fact, it is worth noting that various theories, models and suggestions have been proposed to determine the most effective way of managing people in organizations. This phenomenon has created an extensive debate within the scope of application of strategic HRM in modern industries. While these studies and suggestions are numerous, it is worth noting that the author’s argument seems to discuss a topic that is highly debatable yet unsatisfied by the existing knowledge. Thus, the author’s topic is justified and is worth empirical analysis.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nevertheless, the author fails to introduce a comprehensive study question, despite showing that the main research problem is ‘whether application of moral framework in HRM could be used to understand human behaviour in an organizational environment and how this can be used to resolve conflicts’ (.Schumann, 2011). Secondly, the author does not make a comprehensive hypothesis, which renders the article less concise with conventional research protocols. Despite this, the author has effectively developed an informative argument that is worth analysing in this paper. The author’s choice of methodology is also worth analysing. First, it is clear that the author does not specify the type of research method used. Nevertheless, it is clear that the study is an empirical review of existing literature in a descriptive, rather than quantitative manner. As such, it is clear that the author majorly relies on the information obtained from previous studies. Specifically, it is based on a wide area of management such as HRM, conflict management and organizational leadership. Within the context of the argument, it is clear that author wanted to dispute the theory of ethical relativism in HRM. Instead, the author upraises the application of moral principles when managing people in organizations. The author also argues that the application of a moral framework through analysis of â€Å"ethics of deception† to the employees about the nature of the workplace is an effective tool of understanding and managing human behaviour. However, the author has failed to consider that his argument is only applicable in some industries or organizations, such as those operating in hazardous environments, like chemical manufacturing. In essence, this argument cannot hold true in other industries or organizations with lower levels of hazards.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Human Resource Management and Conflict Resolution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference Schumann, P. L. (2011). A moral principles framework for human resource management ethics. Human Resource Management Review, 11(1–2), 93–111 This article on Human Resource Management and Conflict Resolution was written and submitted by user S0l0 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Evolutionary Psychology Essay

Evolutionary Psychology Essay Evolutionary Psychology Essay Evolutionary psychology is an approach to psychology which seeks to explain psychological aspects of human behavior as a function of evolution. It attempts to identify psychological processes, such as sexual selection and kinship relations, among many other things, as evolved adaptations. Critics of evolutionary psychology cite the uncertain testability of hypotheses and the general lack of experimentation within the subfield (Hankins, 2013). Evolutionary psychology should be supported because humans and human intelligence have evolved on this planet from natural selection and thus have many adaptations, including mental ones, to help them survive as an individual and as a species. It can be noted that issues involving evolutionary psychology are hard to test and/or prove, but the approach itself does contain validity (Roberts et al., 2012). Evolutionary psychology makes sense in several different aspects. First of all, humans are not exempt from evolution. We evolved through natural selection just as any other species did. As such, we have certain adaptations that help us survive and reproduce. Most obvious are physical adaptations, such as a bipedal gait or opposable thumbs. However, mental adaptations have evolved as well; evolved behaviors reflect evolved morphology (Another Lame Attack, 2013). Even though critics of evolutionary psychology are correct in pointing out that hypotheses within this field are difficult or even impossible to test, that does not erase the fact that the human mind has evolved to become complex and to adapt to certain situations and environments. Evidence of evolutionary psychology is also found in primary literature as scientific studies. For example, a study done by Kruger, et al. discovered that sexual behaviors were most indicative of cheating (Kruger et al., 2013). It is speculated that this result indicates that people would not want their partners to engage in sexual behaviors with others because that would mean the individu al who cheated would devote less time and resources to the partner and any children. In another study by Zeigler-Hill et al., people with benign (i.e. not injurious or deprecating) humor styles were found to be rated more positively among parents and peers, leading the researchers to speculate that humor has evolved as a signal and as a way to appease and bond with other members of a social group, much like mutual grooming in monkeys (Zeigler-Hill, 2013). Overall, critics of evolutionary psychology are correct to point out

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research into sustainable global tourism council, leading hotels of Literature review

Research into sustainable global tourism council, leading hotels of the world,locations for roll out of greener hotels and imple - Literature review Example Some of the internationally leading hotels where tourists spend time have implemented sustainability program so that they can check on the impact of tourism on culture and nature. They have adopted the greener hotels movement and have implemented the policies of sustainable tourism education. Through the international body of Global Sustainable Tourism Council, several factors that promote sustainable tourism have been identified and most of the hotels are advised to adopt the recommendation given. According to Girard, and Nijkamp (2009, p. 37) several programs have been proposed to help achieve the envisaged results of sustainability. Some of the diverse programs proposed by Girard, and Nijkamp includes; Education and Training, Accreditation, International Standard Setting, and Destinations. They informs that GSTC body provides a detailed global sustainable tourism criteria that is supposed to be adopted by all the stakeholders in the tourism sector so that they can realize the full potential of tourism as a means of alleviating poverty as well as a tool for conservation- both cultural and natural resources. Through the GSTC body that promotes reduction of negative impact contributed for by tourism, the criteria given to the hotels and tour operation can be subdivided into certain areas of concern as stated below Demonstration of Effective Sustainable Management A comprehensive reference has been availed by the GSTC body for sustainable management of the resources in the tourism destination. As reported by Branson in his Approaches towards a Sustainable Tourism Development a Strategic Concept, these concerns look into among other issues; social, cultural, health, quality, economic, and safety (2009, p. 62). All the tourism activities are expected to observe the mentioned criteria in its endeavour to make tourism sustainable. The international tourist destinations are all bound to abide by the provision so these regulations for the sustainability of tourism ind ustry. The sustainable aspect in this relation as proposed by Branson take into account planning and construction activities related to tourism, activities related to demolition, renovation design, planning and construction must respect the cultural and the natural heritage that surrounds the immediate environment (2009, p. 67). This is proposed to be done through careful planning, designing, siting, and sound impact assessment. There are also concerns of using the locally available sustainable practices and materials, the design and construction should provide accessibility for people with special need so that they can access and utilize the facilities. The guidelines as provided by Branson (2009, p.71) do not also provides for involuntary resettlement of the indigenous people, construction of the hotels are supposed to be done in tandem with the communal and the indigenous rights and states that there has to be free prior and informed consents from the indigenous people. Maximize the Social and Economic Benefits with Minimal Impact to the Local Community According to Seba in Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism: New Perspectives And Studies, the international hotels through the provision given by the sustainability body have to ensure that the local community benefits the most but with minimal negative impact